Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The Mid-Summer Waiting Game

When you spend an entire year focusing on something, it's weird when you no longer have it. I have felt this way on and off since walking out of the Assessment Center on May 14, having finished my National Board exams. For a little while, there was euphoria: whew, I'm finally done. Not long after, however, you sort of feel a sense of loss because this is something that overtook your life for such a long time (a school-year is a long time).

I find myself as we are approaching Back-to-School reflecting upon all of the things I learned last year. Even if I don't certify this year, I won't give up. I will step back into the ring and try again. It's kind of what I do. But in all seriousness, I am approaching ALL aspects of my curriculum planning differently. How can I truly maximize every moment I have with my students? How can I fit in just one more thing to help my students make progress?

Those are the thoughts floating through my head this August. It's this time of year I often get what I have dubbed "August insomnia" because I have so many ideas and things I want to do that I can't sleep. It hasn't happened yet but I'm sure it will. I have so many things I want to do for my classroom this year: not just for looks, but for productivity. I want to give my students the absolute BEST year they can have. Focus, determination and the growth I made going through National Board has invigorated me in ways I never thought would be possible for me. Teaching is my passion--it's who I am and what I do. 

But this is powerful. A year of hard work, scrutinizing, analyzing, freaking out and going back to the drawing board have me reflecting on what I've done in the past and what I will do in the future. It is a really awesome feeling to know that no matter if I see a "Congratulations" on my screen in November or not that I have grown. I have changed. I have made a difference for myself and for my future students simply by embarking upon the process.

That knowledge, reflection and power are priceless.


Sneaker Teacher said...

When will you find out the results?

Raye said...

If I am lucky, by Thanksgiving. Could be as late as Dec 31 but usually they are out in November some time.

Unknown said...

Good luck to you! I am going through it this year. It's definitely made me feel exactly what you posted about! How can I fit just one more thing in?! lol I've written 3 different accomplishments for entry 4 already...obvioulsy they need fine tuning and am about to begin delving into the other 3 to make sure I do it all, or at least have enough to choose from! Any tips?! I'd love some!

Raye said...

My suggestion would be to find support boards online in your certificate area. I joined ecgen.org which originally started out as a board for Early Childhood Generalists (hence the name) but has expanded to Middle Childhood Generalist and Early-Middle Childhood Literacy which is the certificate that I did. There are a Yahoo! groups for most of the areas that I know about. It's definitely good to get in with a cohort of some sort early so that you are able to bounce ideas off of each other and get advice from people who have "been there, done that" :)

Unknown said...

Raye, Thank you so much for bloggging your journey! I am just starting the process and I found your honest reflection so helpful! You and I are a lot alike and see eye to eye on things so I was so relieved to read all your blogs entries.. they were real and not textbook sounding like the NB website is. I wish you well and hope you rocked it... I will check back...