Thursday, March 15, 2012

It's here!

My personal deadline is almost here! Tomorrow is it. I am getting up early with the hubby and kids, shoving them out of the house, making my final changes, printing my final copies and packing that box up. I plan to give myself about 3 hours to pack my box. Sounds dramatic but there is so much paper and so many checklists...and I don't have the luxury of someone helping me pack so it's on me. And I will double, triple and quadruple check each item before I seal any envelopes!

I hope to be mailing my box by noon or so. Then I shall treat myself to getting my nails done and maybe, if I'm feeling really daring, a pedicure.

Then I will come home and start packing for the weekend. We're heading up north to open our cabin. In March (it was 80 yesterday which is unheard of here)! I'm beyond excited. It is so quiet, restful and peaceful there. It will be the perfect way to celebrate sending my beloved box off to San Antonio.


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