Sunday, April 8, 2012

It's AC chat time!

It's hard to believe that three weeks ago, I mailed my portfolio to San Antonio! Time flies and all of that.

Now that April has hit and Spring Break is over (excuse me while I shed a few tears here), it's time to turn my focus to the assessment center preparation. There are a lot of great resources out there with samples to help you practice. I feel fortunate that I have that help.

My test date is May 30. That's just over seven weeks away. I will focus on ONE exercise per week for the next six weeks. Learning each rubric. Focusing on the specific content and standards presented in each exercise. Until I can breathe the language of the exercise and answer a sample prompt practically in my sleep.

The last week before my test, I will practice doing more than one exercise at a time with the 30 minute limit per exercise. Of course I can't spend 3 hours per night practicing for the whole thing, but doing two per days in an hour is feasible. I don't know if it is the smartest way to prep but it's what I am going to do.

Stay tuned for updates on the second leg of this journey.


1 comment:

Tara said...

Girl! You should be so proud of yourself! I know I am proud for you! Enjoy these last few weeks and prepare... it sounds like you have it all handled and under control. I would probably freak out if I were you... Yikes... I am nervous for you! Glad you got some time to yourself and enjoyed your retreat... it is back to normal tomorrow for us too, as spring break comes to a close... so sad...

YOU GO GIRL!!! Keep up the outstanding work!
