Thursday, February 16, 2012

Making some progress

I feel like the biggest slacker in the world. I haven't really worked hardly at all on National Board in almost two weeks. That is very, very bad. Again, I am not behind or anything, but I also don't want to wait until the last second to finish things up. I did do some NB work this week, just not as much as I would have liked. I cave at the thought of downtime and then don't get much accomplished. It's a bummer actually.

I sent my draft of E2 to my friend, K, who used to teach with me at Former School. She emailed me today and said that she would have her feedback to me by the weekend. Then she asked if I wanted feedback on grammar/style or just the content/criteria (I sent her a copy of the rubric and eval guide). I emailed back and said don't judge the grammar because the writing is sadly supposed to suck! It is all about the evidence and for someone like myself who loves to is hard to keep it to a minimum and leave out "the fluff" as they call it. I'm interested in her thoughts. 

I am off tomorrow for a personal day and I plan to use the entire day to work on NB. We have no kiddos Monday at school (bonus!) so that will be extra nice too. I plan to spend tomorrow on NB, Saturday being LAZY with my family and Sunday finishing up the little bit of grading I brought home. Two hours max and that's set. My goal is to finish E3 & finish my revisions of E4 tomorrow and get at least half of E1 written up. I really, really want to have drafts of all entries by Leap Day. Then I can pour over my own entries to cut fluff, pack a punch with my wording and get this thing out of my hair! 

I think I am going to have a "I mailed my NB box" party on March 30th!


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