Monday, February 27, 2012

E1 Progress

I am finally making some headway on E1. I actually had so much fun working on it tonight. Way easier than E3!! I am still up in the air as to whether or not I will retape E3...I am hating the write-up of it that much. 

Anyway I finally picked a kiddo for my E1 which is about writing. I picked my kiddo L who is an AMAZINGLY awesome reader whose writing is just not what you would expect for someone who reads so well. He started the year reading a Guided Reading level P (end of 2nd grade) and writing at an end of kindergarten level. Doesn't exactly align, huh?

I'm finding I have TONS to say about this kiddo. I'm only through the 2nd part of the entry (there are 7) and I've already written 4 whole pages and part of a 5th. They suggest by the end of the 2nd part you have 3 pages. So I may have some fluff-cutting to do! It feels GOOD to have so much to say though since that is not happening with E3 at all (just the opposite).

I have a math training tomorrow so I will be coming home earlier than usual and plan to (hopefully) get in 2-3 solid hours of writing. I would LOVE to finish E1's draft by tomorrow. That would be perfection. Then I can spend Wednesday-Thursday catching up on stuff for my actual job (although NB kind of feels like it should be my full-time job right now!) and then Friday since I have a day off, I plan to spend it all kicking E3 in the ass once and for all.

Let's just hope it all works out that easy!


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