Saturday, February 4, 2012

Playing Catchup!

I had a super crazy week this week! I did not work on National Board AT ALL. This is problematic in that we're on the downswing to the deadline. 

Looking on the bright side, however, I am 99% sure my E2 will need minimal revisions so that's good. E3 is half done, E4 is 95% done and I am starting E1. So I'm not behind. If I can bust behind and get all of the preliminary entries done by the end of this month, I will be in a very, very good position. I will have 4 entire weeks to revise, review and make changes to my entries. I am hopeful to have E2 and E4 sent to readers by the end of next weekend for some feedback. I would LOVE to get E3 finished up this week as a draft but we have conferences so I'm not sure how that is going to work. I will try though.

My mom is taking the kids tomorrow for awhile and The Husband has to work so I will have some quiet time in which to get some school things done and work on National Board. I am hopeful for about 4-5 hours of alone time. I may well spend my Saturday night working on National Board (such a party animal, no?) and then spend my time tomorrow on stuff for work since I am behind there too. We shall see. 

I have a personal day coming up soon so that will be a huge help too. I will have 7 hours all to myself to just work. It will be a super big help!


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