Sunday, February 12, 2012

NB, what NB?

What's that old saying about the best laid plans???

Today my plan to spend most of my day on NB was derailed BIG TIME by a flat tire and errands that took about 2 hours longer than planned due to said flat tire. 

I now have a tremendous headache and feel like I am never going to finish my goals of getting caught up and ready to move on. I am rewriting E4 today because I have an epiphany in my sleep (funny how that happens huh?) regarding the "Candy Corn" analogy that I learned about through this process. I'm only doing 3 accomplishments because they are big ones. At least I think they are big ones. Rewriting them with fresh eyes is helpful. E4 is the only entry where I feel like I can write like a real writer. The other ones are SO not "real" writing and that's annoying. 

I have so much to do tonight and it's nearly 6 already. I just know I am not going to get it all done today :( I have so much I want/need to do and there just aren't enough hours!


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